
About kenbak-1.net

This website was created by John Blankenbaker, the creator of the Kanbak-1 computer. The page is unchanged as created by him.
The site no longer meets modern requirements. However, the preservation of the historically valuable site is more important than design aspects or usability issues.

The Kenbak-1 is an important piece of computer history. And so is John's website. It is an honor to preserve it.

In 2022, John Blankenbaker gave permission to Achim Baqué to preserve his legacy. Achim Baqué visited John several times in Vermont and owns the only prototype of the Kenbak-1.

More information about the prototype is available at thefirstpc.com. More information about Achim Baqué is available at achimbaque.com.

Other websites you might be interested in:
Kenbak-1 Registry - a list of all Kenbak-1 computer
Apple-1 Registry - a list of all Apple-1 computer

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