Copyright 2007 by John Blankenbaker

Editorial note 2022: This is the original website of John Blankenbaker. Since 2022 maintained by Achim Baque - more information.
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Two major instructional books were prepared. (The documents which are linked are large pdf files which are time consuming to download over a slow connection.)

Programming Reference Manual. This 24 page book (soft cover) was a summary of the Kenbak-1 computer instructions. The reader was assumed to be familiar with the general principles of computers and this book described in full detail the action of each instruction in the Kenbak-1 computer. Also, the console operations were described telling how data could be entered into and examined in the computer. (One feature that was very useful for debugging programs was that a program could be single stepped, executing one instruction at a time. When the computer was stopped, all registers and memory locations could be examined.) This book was issued by Kenbak, a partnership.

Laboratory Exercises, Kenbak-1 Computer. This book of about 150 pages was divided into 30 Exercises for the student who was assumed to know about how computers worked. By the end it was hoped it the student would have a good understanding of computer operation and programming. Students were introduced to flow charts which were used as an instructional device. A few pages went with each computer telling something about the installation and testing of the device. This book was published by Kenbak Corporation.

The above two books were included with purchase of every computer. The following book was an extra cost option.

Theory of Operation. Forty-two pages contained a Glossary of Signals, a Block Diagram, a State Diagram, and a Definition of the Circuit and Elements. Another twenty-six pages contained a complete set of schematics for the computer.

Other publications were of a marketing and sales nature.

Some customers repaired their own computer. In general, maintenance was provided by returning the unit to the factory.
